Sunday, October 28, 2012

Blasted legs 10/28/2012

So today I was determined to get into the gym although everything was working against it.  I spent some time with my daughter early in the day so I put it off til later.  I then remember I promised to meet with someone for work to go over a training outline.  :(  I waited around and never hear from him so around 7pm I decided to hit the gym.

My friend Courtney and I went together.  I believe working out with a workout partner can be a good push so long as you are doing more lifting than talking lol.  Courtney is still learning but she is awesome for a good push during a workout.  She is getting better with each session we have together.  Most of the time however I am lifting on my own.

After we arrived at the gym I chugged a little bit of a  preworkout supplement called Animal Rage(orange flavored).  The stuff tastes horrible, but hey it seems like anything that really works does!  This stuff is amazing.  I would suggest that anyone looking to try a new preworkout give it a shot.  If you can get past the taste it provides a great focus and gives you a bit of drive as well as intense pump during your workout.  Just be careful not to overdo it.  If you weigh more than 190 lbs I would say use 1.5 scoops.  I really like animal products and also Use animal Flex for my joints.  Your joints are very important to your well being and to lifting insane weights!  Please take care of them!

We started on squats.  I do full squats.  not just breaking the plane of parallel, I'm talking ATG(at the ground).  So I always start with just the bar.  45lbs for 20 reps.  This was just to get the blood flowing.  The Next set I went up to 135 lbs for a quick 12 reps.  Felt really good and could feel the begining of a pump.  The third set I went up to 225 lbs for 10 easy reps.  Kept my form spot on and really pumped some blood into my legs during that set.  My fourth and final set I didn't take as long of a rest period as I should have, so went up to 275 lbs for 5 reps.  I went deep and slow on this set and my legs felt like they were going to explode.  Usually I would go up to 315 but shied away from it a bit tonight.

My next exercise was machine calf raises super set with Anterior Tibialis(AT) raises.  So basically I started out doing AT raises on the calf machine with 70 lbs for 10 reps, then superset it with 150 lbs calf presses for 20 reps,  I repeated this for 4 sets.  The burn in my ATs and calves was very intense!

We then moved on to Doing Straight Leg Deadlifts.  I started with 135 lbs for 12 reps.  Next it was 225 lbs for 15 reps.  The final set I used 315 lbs for a set of 10 reps.  Hams were on fire!!!

Next was just a single set of Leg curls with 75lbs for a warm up I thought but my hams were toasted so i left it alone.

I moved on to Leg Presses.  I started with 695 lbs for 10 reps, then moved up to 785 lbs for 10 reps, and 875 lbs for 10 reps.  Legs were pretty toasted so left it at that.

Next was abs so I started with hanging leg raises.  1st set was for 20 reps, 2nd set was for 16 reps, 3rd set was for 12 reps.

Went on to do planks and side planks for a while, superset with flutter kicks, and kettlebell side bends with a 60 lbs kettle bell.

After my workout I drank A 50 gram protein shake.

I think tomorrow I will be doing chest!!!! Stay tuned!!!Animal Flex - 44 Packs (Google Affiliate Ad)

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