Monday, October 29, 2012

Nasty Chest Pump Routine! 10/29/2012

Today was a pretty darn good day in the gym.  I took a scoop and a half of “Animal Rage” preworkout formula and then hit it hard.  It was chest day today and I planned to attack it with a vengeance. 

The gym was pretty crowded so I decided to start on the Incline Bench Press.  It seems to always be vacant.  That’s probably why everyone in my gym seems to have a huge lower chest and nonexistent upper chest, along with massive triceps and no biceps, lol.  Don’t be one of those guys!  Please hit your upper chest!  Anyway, I warmed up with just the bar and did slow methodical reps concentrating on my form and getting the blood flowing.  Not sure how many reps I did, but it had to have been around 25-30.  Not to failure though.  For my second set I moved up in weight to 135 lbs.  I performed 15 very strict reps, again not to failure.  My third set I went for 185 lbs for 12 solid reps.  My chest was really getting a good pump, especially in my upper chest.  For my Third set I went for 225 lbs. for 8 slow and full reps.  I took a video of this set, which I will be uploading to one of my youtube channels.  I decided to go for a fourth set, although my chest was burning like crazy and really pumped at this point.   So for my final set of inclines I pushed 225 lbs. again for just 5 excruciating reps.  It felt like my chest might explode!  I took a 5 min rest between my exercises.

For my second exercise I would be doing dumbbell bench presses.  Since my chest was beyond warmed up I decided to start out with what is usually my medium weight before going really heavy.  I grabbed a pair of 100 lbs dumbbells and plopped down on a bench.  I was still feeling pretty drained but the 100s are usually easy for a quick 12-15 reps.  I laid back and started pushing.  My chest was screaming!  I only managed 9 reps for the first set.  After that pitiful performance I decided it would be best to stick with the 100s for the next set.  I rested about 3 mins, and grabbed them up again.  This time I was able to push out 10 reps, but my chest completely gave out when I tried for number 11.  I felt like I got all I would out of this exercise and decided to move on.

After a short rest of maybe 2 mins I made my way to the cable machine.  My plan of attack was to do light cable flyes to really finish off and pump my chest into oblivion.  So I set the cables to the top position with some “D” handles on the cables.  I had 35 lbs. per hand, and locked my arms into position.  With slow precision I got in 10 reps pausing when my hands were together to force more blood into my chest.  I then traded off with my Partner.  When she finished I went for the second set.  I moved the handles down 4 notches to hit a different area of the chest at a slightly different angle.  I pumped out 10 more reps with 35 lbs per arm, again squeezing the handles together for a 2 count.  After my partner went again I again moved the handles down another 4 positions to hit more of the mid chest range.  I dropped the weight to 30 lbs for this set.  Bringing the cables parallel to the floor at the midline of my chest squeezing another 10 reps out.  A quick trade with my partner and it was up to me again.  I dropped it yet again another 4 positions for a very low angle approach.  The weight was moved at angle upward from my lower legs til I touched the handles in front of my nose.  This contracted my upper chest very hard for 10 brutal reps!  Finally we were ready for the very bottom position of the cables.  I dropped the weight to just 20 lbs.  This position contracted my upper outer pecs along with my front delt really hard and was a very vicious set to failure at 21 reps!!!

That concluded the chest portion of my routine.  I decided to also do some ab work again.  I did hanging leg raises.  A set of 15 reps, then 7 reps, then 10 reps.  I got a 50 gram protein shake and left!

I hope that this will give someone some insight as to what I am doing and maybe someone else can try it and let me know what they think.  Stay tuned for tomorrow’s routine!!!

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